Professional Development
Children's Defense Fund Ella Baker Trainer
"Each year, exceptional Servant Leaders are selected as Ella Baker Trainers (EBTs) to lead the Ella Baker Child Policy Training Institutes. EBTs can train in the CDF Freedom Schools program officially for 5 years, but many commit a lifetime of service to their communities."
​Leadership Consulting
Educator Coaching
College & Career Planning and Development
Culturally Responsive and Relevant Pedagogy
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training
Program Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
Knoxville Chamber of Commerce
Endeavor Summit
Leadership Legacy – Developing Personal Leadership Skills Through Reflection
University of Tennessee Knoxville
15th Annual Black Issues Conference
Education in the Black Community: What are we Missing?
Children’s Defense Fund Freedom Schools
Ella Baker Child Policy Training Institute
Running for Office – Servant Leadership in the Community
Tennessee Department of Education
Tennessee Academy for School Leaders
Diversity and Perception Virtual Training
The TRIO Foundation of St. Louis
Board Members
Public Education + Pandemic + Racial Uprising = How Will We Recover?